The Other Shore 彼岸

Written/ director by Gao Xingjian 高行健 (第一位中國人得諾貝爾文學獎,他來 HK 導演的第一部他的舞臺劇)

Set & Costume Designer :Hendrix To


The Other Shore , One of the most important and controversial pieces of contemporary Chinese drama, The Other Shore draws on Chinese culture to tell the story of an ensemble who seek enlightenment from their current circumstances and decide to travel to "the other shore." Once they reach this mysterious land across a body of water, they must rediscover what it means to be human in order to survive. As they meet other beings, they learn about consequences, leadership, manipulation, faith and love. Performed by a large, versatile ensemble, the characters must relearn everything they thought they once knew. Originally published into English in 1997, The Other Shore is an international work of art written by Gao Xingian, whose imaginative storytelling earned the Nobel Prize for literature in 2000.

Stage and Costumes  design